Monday, August 01, 2005

A "Moving" weekend

You may or may not notice the addition of "Sheetz" to the links but its there...just above the appropriate.

This weekend was Meghan's moving weekend and we somehow were able to clear out her house and pack her life into a Pod (Nate's just good with puzzles).

Toby is enjoying an additional person in the house and will soon become accustomed to her habits (and will pester her for affection) just as he has with me.

Fern, hopefully, is ensconced in her two room penthouse, safe from the wiley orange troublemaker (aka Tom kitty).

Oh, and I loved this post-Tour article: Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood: Life after Lance. Since when does John Stewart get away with calling Lance a quitter and they review the best and worst of the ads.


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