Thursday, August 04, 2005

In the Beginning...

in a place called Capitol Hill, on a forum for triathletes, there was a lone post

(Feb 27, 2004) no-e-plz (but at the time it was still noeplz)

Big Grin Okay, since I suggested this, I'll start the first string. In the past, there's been great interest in locating training partners but its been difficult to sort through the endurance levels, schedules, and intensity of training to find a suitable match.

The idea is to briefly state your goals/objectives, your pace in each sport, whether you train in the AM or PM and where you do most of your training (i.e. geographic location).

Here goes:

Goals: 2 Olympic distance tris (Aug and Sept); 2 Sprint distance (June, Aug)
Pace: Run 9-10 min miles, Bike 14-15 mph (road bike), Swim 2.5-3 min/100 yds (yes, that's slow)

I prefer to train in the morning and am in search of running motivation as well as encouragement on the bike. I am work/home located near Cap Hill.

'nuf said. I know a few people at last night's happy hour are in a similar situation and I'm willing to be flexible on location....I normally bike along the Rock Creek loop, W&OD, GW Parkway to Mt. Vernon, and Poolsville.
Couple weeks go by....response post (Mar 11, 2004) Meghan

I just moved to Capitol Hill and have similar training goals (a couple of sprint race in June/July and an Olympic Distance race towards the end of the summer). I was a competitive swimmer in a former life so the swimming won't work out, but I would definitely be interested in talking about running/biking in the mornings and on weekends.

Then it was a virtual 'flood' of interest (Mar 12 2004) meaganjancy

I also live on Capitol Hill and would be interested in meeting up for some training. I am doing a sprint April 24 in NC and then the next would be the Spud in June. I swim at night at the Capitol East Natatorium- even if we swim different paces, we could still come up with a good work-out. I run and bike in the ams. my days are flexible. I would definitely love to have someone to ride with on some long rides on weekends. I am also interested in some new routes. Let me know. Big Grin
Then the first guy jumped on...(Apr 1, 2004) bignate

To any of the three of the hill triathletes, I would love to meet some mornings to ride. I am a runner that is planning on some duathlons again this summer and just need to get out there on my bike. Speed is secondary to just getting up and out in the morning. The earlier the better in the morning. Let me know if anyone is interested.

After a few fits and starts of trying to meet for coffee, beer, riding, we somehow managed to get it together, even through getting Chris' e-mail wrong; who can forget the "Homail" debacle? The Meghan/Meagan both on Giant bikes (that are really pretty small), and my absence for first few months, Nate and his Schwinn. The point is, we managed to form a consistent, frequently silly, unorganized, fun group and personally, I got more than just improved biking skills out of this. Others may have wanted to join the crew but essentially, they were just 'along for the ride'.

I'm sad today as Meghan has her car packed, her bike on her car, her kayak next to it, has her route to MI planned out to hit the maximum number of Sheetz, and while she'll be 3 time zones and many miles away, will always be a 35 and dry member. The "Donuts + Bacon > 5:00 a.m" T-shirts are great, we now need a new one with the "35 and Dry" and the whole list of quotables on the back...[maybe in Meagan and my case, its 40 and dry]. While I'm sad now, I'm hopeful that we can stay connected (if Nate and I don't drive each other nutz) still ride when we can, 'hang out' with Chris when he calls drunk on the phone on his way from Balt, and generally share in one another's crazy lives.

We'll have photos of the 'drunken' Tuesday night soon, and frankly, the photo of the 5 of us looks damned might have to go on the t-shirt...

An end of an era but a new beginning as well...Bon Voyage Meghan, safe travels and we'll miss you!!


At Thu Aug 04, 02:14:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger Meagan said...

What a great recollection of how this all started. The first I met Meghan was at Murky coffee. Cory bailed last second and it wasn't even at 5:30 am! Either way, because of the triclub Capitol Hill training forum, we were able to get a good group of peeps together for some riding. Although we all have busy and changing lives, it is definitely worth the effort of reading and writing these blogs. I agree- t-shirts are a great idea. There are so many that I can think of. Nate definitely needs a "pimpin' ain't easy" shirt! And being one who has moved around a lot and has seen good friends come and go, when they move to other parts of hte country, they are merely going to a new place to visit and ride/race! Maybe not this year for me but STP is definitly in the future!

At Fri Aug 05, 07:28:00 AM GMT-5, Blogger no-e-plz said...

Been to the West coast but never to the PacNW so now I'll have a reason to, as the summer looms on and September is less than 30 days away, I guess I should just get my butt back out there, figure out a way to motivate myself to run (even if it is alone...drat) and keep chugging away...


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