Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Time to move on

So, I've decided that its time to get out of the home ownership business .... and John has graciously invited me to move into his house; somehow I feel that I coerced an invitation but what's done is done and I'm moving ahead with getting the house in order to sell.

What this entails is painting [I'm paying for the house to be painted inside], new windows, sprucing up the front area with flowers, taking photos, etc...its an ordeal.

So on top of running, biking and swimming 11 hrs per week, working close to 40 [cause we all know I'm an underemployed government worker], taking care of a dog and cat, and other sorts of things, I'm getting stuff in order to move out of the house.

The target list date is the Thursday before Mother's day, hopefully will be nice weather and will have an open house that weekend.

Currently, though, everything is in upheaval, bed is stacked in the middle bedroom while the actual bedroom is being painted, the smell of paint is overwhelming and I can barely find enough clothes to actually get dressed to go to work.

However, I did discover the amazing power of Craigslist and managed to sell two pieces of furniture already. Will be selling a bunch more stuff, believe you me....

The Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom, the tourists have emerged in droves, and the weather has been amazing. Wish you all were here [well, I see Meagan and Scott every so often] and I really miss the bike rides in the A.M.

Hope y'all are doing your thing in your space and hope to hear more details soon!

Oh, yea, and I'm counting down the days 'till April 29....


At Wed Apr 04, 03:08:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger Meagan said...

Congrats on all the big plans! I hear you on the Cherry Blossom Tour-Ons! They are driving me nuts already. Gosh how I really hate the tourist season around hear. From what I hear, shootings by paint gun are only a misdeamnor. Scott and I have been busy making plans for our big trip this summer. We are heading to Peru to trek the Inca trail and climb to Machu Picchu. Until then, we will be busy with the little one who is running around like crazy. We are also in the process of getting a bike trailer so that we can hit the trails with Alex in tow. Hope everyone is doing well.

At Fri Apr 06, 10:52:00 AM GMT-5, Blogger Meghan said...

Good to hear the DC contingent’s news! I will post a Seattle edition soon with tales from the Caribbean cruise and the announcement of an upcoming 35 & dry reunion: west coast style. It is a beautiful day here in Seattle- perfect for a bike ride or a belgian brew after a long week so I am missing you all!

At Tue Apr 10, 04:57:00 AM GMT-5, Blogger no-e-plz said...

Ran 18 mi on Sunday and lived to tell the tale. Jealous of Scott and Meagan's trip to Machu Picchu but I suppose running along the Pacific Coast might be a close second place...and two days in a swanky hotel on Union Square in SF [no...not really any comparison at all]. Will let you all know how it all turns out in the end...how many whales and otters I spot...etc.


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