Monday, February 13, 2006

I've Lost Count and its cold outside

Hey all,

With Nate gone and winter finally here, I'm losing my motivation for a race in June...or maybe the Cherry Blossom 10 miler should be my more immediate goal [April 2] ...

Anyone watching the Olympics?? I can't keep track of what's on when and without the souped up TV and TiVo, it just seems pointless...tell me when and what to watch and I will comply. Heard we [the U.S.] might be able to medal in curling...those wacky Minnesotians.

I'll be jetting off to the Bahamas in early March for a wedding and possibly Italy for the last week in getting training in now is imperative.

I've been running at least 2x per week but didn't do a blessed athletic thing over the weekend, unless you count frolicking in the snow with the dog as exercise...some do.

Went to the gym this morning to do Gail Bernhart's weight routine [am on the ME portion where you lift unGodly amounts of weight for short reps...280 lbs on a squat 6 times] and will attempt to run in the morning...possibly doing intervals and sprints.

Will post pictures of the snow as well as the new Roubaix when they're available...

Chris, where are you?? Have you fallen down the laundry chute and can't reach a phone??


At Mon Feb 13, 05:31:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger Meghan said...

I texted Chris recently and fear that he may have indeed had a very serious laundry-related accident this time- yikes!

Got out on my bike 3 times in the past 8 glorious days of sunshine. Good thing, 'cause we're back to pouring rain and 40 today. A big paper due tomorrow is kicking my butt and I'm trying to figure out how I'll find the time to eat, sleep and work out in the next five weeks until this hellatious quarter is over...

I'm getting a bit sleep-deprived from watching the winter games. It's not as bad as the tour, but I have fallen asleep on the couch 2 out of the past 3 nights so I'll contribute some advice for you, Ms. Churches:
1)get up on the snowboarding lingo (biff for messing up, sweet air for good hang time on the tricks, etc.) because the women's halfpipe is on tonight
2)ignore the luge (and figure skaking, if you can) by balancing your checkbook, cleaning your bathroom or crocheting a baby afghan during those segments
3)use all the beautiful people doing fabulously athletic stuff in an incredible setting to inspire you to get out and train more!

Here's the link to the schedule of events on TV:

At Tue Feb 14, 04:03:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger no-e-plz said...

Thanks, I could use a bit of inspiration about now...haven't watched a lick of the olympics to this date and seeing how I've planned to cook dinner tonight for my sweetie [crab stuffed flounder, rosemary red potatoes, steamed asparagus and cheesecake] its unlikely that I'll be watching tonight either.

Happy V-Day ya'll....

At Tue Feb 14, 08:01:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger Meghan said...

My paper is done (even if it is a piece of crap written on 3 measly hours of sleep). I'm off to swim and then collapse in bed if swimming can indeed kill the crazy caffeine buzz I've got going on as I hope it will...

Happy V-day to all of you as well, especially those with new loves in your lives to celebrate!


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