Thursday, August 25, 2005

Chris comes for a guest ride

Hey all,

Since Meghan last posted, there's not been a whole heck of a lot going on...I've been too busy being plugged into my new iPod toy to really pay much attention to anything other than how much battery life I have left.

Chris came down this morning to bless us with his presence (thanks Chris) and since he's had his bike fitted, no knee pain (cross our fingers).

Meagan has sent her husband, Scott to represent her on the rides...nice to still maintain the Jancy connection if only via the 'better half'....just kidding.

Today's ride was uncharacteristically more men than women: Andy, Scott, Nate, Chris, Jen Jacobs, Elizabeth and me...nice neat little pack.

It was chilly, at 65 degrees...could have used an arm warmer or two...but it was fantastic compared to the 90 degrees and humid we've had in the past.

I'm getting ready to go to Cleveland for a wedding next weekend and will most likely be visiting the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Great Lakes Brewing company (on Chris' recommendation) in my 'down' time. Can't decide whether to risk taking the PA turnpike and all its drama or go out via 68 to Cumberland and cut up north...

Due to a grant from Kaiser Permanente, the DC Public pools are now free of charge to DC Residents...yea!! no excuse for not going to the pool and no more need to have 3 singles...

Its been a totally unproductive day at work today but going to a funeral in the morning can really curse the rest of your, hope y'all are having a great Thursday!!


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