Thursday, July 20, 2006

Boy the Tour has taken its toll

After 17 stages and a roller coaster of an Alpine few days, I'm thoroughly exhausted. Been managing to listen to bits and pieces at work or read the coverage or on a rare day, watch the stage but this is what cycling is all about.

Our friendly 6-some has been keeping track and currently doing pretty well [no spoilers and this is just luck, really] but as with the Tour itself, its not over until Paris. [can we go to Paris??]

Anyone have suggestions on prizes for the top 3 winners?? We've been considering gift certificates to coffee places or doughnut shops...or maybe funny tour memorabilia.

Hope you are all well and just as Tour crazed as I am.

You know its bad when across 3 time zones you get a message just after the stage finishes wanting to talk about the stage...under the assumption that you [me] have already heard the news.


At Mon Jul 24, 11:34:00 AM GMT-5, Blogger Meghan said...

Congratulations to Cory as she is crowned with the yellow jersey in Paris! And thanks to Meagan for keeping track of it all (even though the result was that I finished as our beloved lanterne rouge). What will we do now that the tour is over?!


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