Monday, July 10, 2006

Two goals; improve run, drop the extra weight

Maybe they're one in the same but its demoralizing but not surprising that after this weekend's Colonial Beach tri I ran slower than last year and my time showed it. Considering that I've not run since Eagleman, its no shock ...

Here are my official results:
There were 14 finishers in the Female 35 to 39 age group and 210 finishers
in the Age Group Division.

Your overall finish place was 177, your age group finish place was 8 and
your gender finish place was 44.
Your time was 2:51:48.85.

Your Swim time was 25:14.55, Overall place 179, Gender place 49
Your Bike time was 1:18:20.00, Overall Place 146, Gender place 28, Speed 19.0m.
Your Run time was 1:03:20.65, Overall place 191, Run Pace 10:33

This just makes me feel slow....slowwwwww....


At Sat Jul 22, 08:13:00 AM GMT-5, Blogger Meghan said...

It looks like they lengthened out the swim this year to be closer to an official oly distance, yes? Although that did leave you with more times with the jellies, man... (Random Nemo reference for those unaware.)

Good for you for getting out there and racing post eman no matter what the results. And your bike was faster than last year's by a couple of minutes which is the only benchmark I'm interested in during this tour-infested time of my life. ;-)

For my part, you and Nate inspired me to find a race to do before taking off for Croatia. Despite my lack of organized training (especially been a slacker on the running front), I signed up for one this Sunday. I did my first brick since the beginning of June on Wednesday and it wasn't pretty. I'm hoping I feel better in my first foray into post eman racing tomorrow.

The weather is hot, hot, hot here (record 98 degrees yesterday) and sleeping last night was terribly uncomfortable owing to the fact that I have neither a fan nor air conditioning. Maybe the racing gods just want to make me feel more at home by providing dc-esque weather? I'll let you know post-race...


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