Monday, May 15, 2006

Post Eagleman course ride report

So, John and I went to the Eastern Shore this past Saturday and rode the course along with several other folks [10 of us in total going at different paces]. With the new steed and not much cross wind, we managed 18.2 mph average and I did a 15 min run afterward...feeling pretty good. It was a great confidence builder and if I can manage to get someone to just ride next to me the whole way during the race, maybe I'll do just as well race day. I haven't felt sore but I was throughly exhausted on Saturday afternoon [didn't manage a nap post ride] and I didn't really do much in the way of exercise yesterday unless you consider getting a manicure/pedicure exercise...most don't.

Racing at Columbia this weekend and somehow its tough to remember that this was my A race last year and now is sort of a precursor to my A race this year; Eagleman. I'm hoping that I'm not being overly confident but I think I'll be okay for E-man...but things can change come race day.

I think if my dad can make arrangements, he and my stepmother Nancy will be there on race day too. Which brings up the question, who's in to race, to spectate and to come over on Saturday and spend the night for the early morning wake up? I know Meaghan, Scott and Alex are planning to come over on race day [be aware that its also the Bay swim that day so the bridge might be more crowded than usual]. Chris, are you planning to come down to spectate?

Chris has apparently turned into part fish...heard via text message that he's aiming to swim 10,000 yds by the end of summer. I asked if this attempt was all in one fell swoop but didn't hear back.

All in all a decent weekend of training and mother's day...I've got orange [day glow] toenails now and maybe they'll last for Columbia...might have to paint them bright blue for Eagleman...


At Mon May 15, 08:55:00 AM GMT-5, Blogger Meghan said...

Oooh, orange nails! Worked on mine this weekend, too, because one of the lovely side effects of all this training is less-than-beautiful toesies...

Picked my swimmer guy up from the airport late last night fresh from Nationals smelling of the beach and working a good tan. Three best times for him which was awesome! His results here (for those of you any amount of-curiosity or clue about swimmin' stuff): I'm really excited to have him home and up for cycling together again post-taper!

It's supposed to break some records here today (80 degrees predicted) although it is my rest day so I'll be enjoying the fab weather from the sidelines. I'm still up early working on school papers- sigh. It'll be crazy for me until my exams and then I leave for Eagleman- I can't believe it is all coming up so quickly...

Chris, you just let us know when you are planning that English Channel crossing you seem to be clandestinely training for and I'll put it on my calendar so I can kayak along side you...

Missing you all and looking forward to seeing everyone soon- happy Columbia racing/Eman training/tooth recovering/marathon swimming/jogstroller pushing until then!


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