Monday, October 03, 2005

Fun with Fancy Camera Fones or How I spent my Sunday evening

Hey all,

In a rare alignment of planets and stars, 3 of the 5 original members of the "35 and Dry" were seen imbibing in margaritas and mexican food at La Lomita on Capitol Hill last night. We have photographic evidence... but best of all we have a close up of a be used to build a franken face at a later date. As usuall all topics were on the table to be discussed, hashed out, poked, prodded, and made fun of. At last check, we left Nate, Hillary, Chris and Cory to toddle off in their respective directions, hoping they made it home safe and sound to get up bright and early and either exercise (run in Nate's case, swim in Cory's) or get their butts on a bus to start the "President's Own" Marine Corp Band tour (what Chris and Hillary did). We hope that Chris will be diligent in sending updates along the way so we can track his progress across this great land. Tell us of all the highlights of middle America. We plan to rendevous again at Hooters in Chinatown the Wednesday before Thanksgiving; who's in??

Hope to see you then if not sooner!!


At Mon Oct 03, 10:11:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger Meghan said...

Fun times at La Lomita- sorry i missed it!


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