Wednesday, September 21, 2005


OK. Meagan has a baby growing inside her, Meghan lives 3000 miles away, Chris is trying the BMore thing, and Cory is just starting rumors so I felt I needed to do something.

1. I now live in Arlington. I have left DC and moved into a small apartment within walking distance of work. Right now it consists of my bed, a table, two chairs, my clothes and the schwinn. Over the next few days, hopefully more will move over with me. Phone number will be my cell as I felt no need for a landline. I won't post the address for fear of stalkers....

2. The powers that be in the new company I work for announced that the offices I now live near will be closing in March and I will be jobless. Since I last looked for a job in 1995, this will be fun. They are going to come around and interview us all for possible positions in other locations. OOO boy..

3. I am not dropping this triathlon thing but I am going to concentrate this winter on becoming a runner again. Just so I put it out there somewhere, I am training to run under 33 minutes for 10K before Eagleman. I will still be riding 2-3 days a week and swimming 1 day a week (starting the swimming in November) but it will all be about running. I still think this will help me do a much faster Eagleman if for any reason that I will hopefully be about 15 pounds lighter....



At Wed Sep 21, 11:23:00 AM EST, Blogger Meagan said...

Congrats on the life changes. Glad to hear that you are embracing all the new things coming your way! Good luck with the whole running thing. Winter is definitely the best time of year to run - that's for sure. Hope you aren't totally deserting Cory during her time of need. No one should have to face a tag the size of the swiss flag all alone!

At Wed Sep 21, 12:02:00 PM EST, Blogger Neo said...

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