Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Nuthin' New...just got the blog urge

Hey all....Its getting colder, staying dark longer, is just a hint of what's to come...Rode on Tuesday alone in the dark and rain...sounds like the start of a country western song...pathetic.

Trying to determine if I really want to buy a tri bike...well, let me rephrase that...of course I WANT a tri bike...but do I want to spend the dough to get it?? Thinkin of going bike shopping this week and next...Bonzai having a 2005 model in stock clearance sale.

Also considering doing the Eagleman loop for the 'fun' of it before it gets too cold/dark/rainy out. It would be good to at least have one pre-winter ride of the course down before having to deal with Spring wacky weather.

Home repair this month is the fence in the back -- finally!! Although I do have to make more of an effort to get the paint OUT of the can and ONTO the some organized manner.

Meghan has been my drunk dial lately...and without a proper 'filter' she's getting a whole different side of Cory....the uninhibited say what you mean, spill the beans of the sub-conscious kind of Cory. It doesn't happen often but if you want in, all you have to do is move to a time zone 3 hrs away and answer your cell phone when its 11:30 p.m. on the East Coast. Simple.

I'll post really crappy photos from Big Lick and from Cape Henlopen although I didn't race, Kristi Smith did ... went to be supportive.

So this weekend marks my foray into my first 1/2 Marathon...Baltimore looms ahead and maybe its just me but I'm not really nervous...should I be?? Its just running....13 miles...without planning to run WITH anyone...but it will all be good. I think. If you think otherwise, don't bother to tell me until after the race.

There's my update in a about you all?? Nate, lets post a random facial feature each week and make everyone guess who's it is....naaa...maybe not.


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