Tuesday, November 15, 2005

[Insert sound of crickets]

Hellooooo....anyone out there??

I know I've seen/talked to 2/3 of you [Nate, Meghan and Meagan] and I hear through the grapevine that Chris is doing well on tour, and should be back next week or so....

Meghan has been a busy bee with her 1/2 marathon in San Francisco and a swim meet, nevermind her settling into Seattle...but where o where is the blog love??

Nate is trying to become a runner again so I suppose that means he can't be a blogger...not that he's been all that active here in the first place...but I digress....

Saw Scott -- Mr. Meagan -- running this morning so maybe he's really standing in for Meagan now...doing her biking and running...is he swimming also??

Miss you all...hope you watched the IM Hawaii stuff so we would all have been at least connected via the wonders of NBC...Nate and I were at the Arlington Cinema N Drafthouse...nice to see it all unfold on the big screen...


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