Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Since I can't just bring him along to meet everyone outside the pool at 5:30 a.m.

or to 1/2 price burger night at Whitlow's, I guess I'll have to settle for introducing y'all to my boy, Alden, through the wonderful world of the internet. Apologies to Cory and Nate as they already know some of this, but here we go:

Alden is a swimmer & biker and a general adventurous guy who I met through my Masters swim team out here. We spent some time together this fall riding, running and kayaking, but didn't start dating until after the holidays. It's been a fabulous couple of months and, if you couldn't tell already, I'm totally smitten! :-)

What else should I share? He is a graphic designer who works for a gaming company called Valve over in Bellevue. He also owns his own company with a couple of buddies from school. He's a native Seattlite who has taught me most all of what I know about biking routes around here.

We complement each other well in many ways: he uses his front brake more than his rear, is super early in arrival time (one of the minor axes, Nate!), quotes lines from The Blues Brothers, makes me do sprints when we go on long rides and is always up for an adventure! His activity level frankly makes me look like I sit around and eat bon bons all day which has been fabulous for helping me remember the importance of good, physical activity especially during all the stress of last quarter. In fact, I'd say that my desire to keep up with him has been a major factor in the intensity of my Eagleman training of late!

Did I mention that he's kind, thoughtful, smart & beautiful to boot? I've never felt this way about anyone before and if you weren't already convinced that I've totally gone over the edge, read on! Maybe part of that is how much we already had in common in terms of shared interests, interaction style and activity level pre-dating. Maybe getting to know each other this fall helped, too. It just feels right, like we fit together and this is how its supposed to be. So it is that I spend a fairly good hunk of my time smiling and staring off into space! There- I'm done gushing. I think you all would enjoy his company both on and off the bike and I'll look forward to introducing you all to him in person someday soon!


At Wed Mar 29, 10:19:00 AM GMT-5, Blogger Nate Reilly said...

meghan, you are scaring me, you are starting to sound like me. it feels good though doesn't it. you can do all the looking in the world but sometimes it just happens. life is good like that. i know we were all concerned about all this moving away and stuff, but I think things are turning out quite well.

At Wed Mar 29, 03:33:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger no-e-plz said...

see you all had to move away for me to find a boyfriend...[except of course for Meagan and Chris] but my life change is having a special someone who's somewhat like me but I still miss you both [and Chris]. I miss Meagan on the bike and I'm sure she does to.

John and I booked a trip to Dublin and Rome in mid-April...our second international trip. It should be loads of fun. Meghan, enjoy the fun and the chemistry....

At Thu Mar 30, 08:54:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger Meagan said...

Congrats on the new beau! It sounds amazing. I agree with Nate that it is pretty amazing that with all the moving, everything seems to be falling into place for everyone. As the old married one and recent new mother, it sounds like a recipe for a good future.

As for my workout plans -- I have started lifting weights and walking quite a bit. I have had my doctors check up and was cleared to resume all activity. Now I just need to find the time to get away. I may be spending a lot of time training on my own just because of the crazy hours that I will have to work out. Oh well! Sometimes it feels as though I don't even live in the same city as Cory! Can't wait to finally meet John.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well.


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