Monday, April 24, 2006

Finally, a good training weekend!

Managed my first 50+ mile ride of the season yesterday in fabulous sunshine, little wind and temps hovering around 60. Very unSeattle-like April weather, but I'll take it. I am proud to say that I managed my nutrition/hydration much better this weekend and am feeling tired, but not worn out or exhausted on my rest day today. Still getting psyched for my 1/2 marathon in Vancouver as I ran a strong 11 with that crew on Saturday. Alden is beginning his taper for Nationals (May 11-14) and so is limiting his cross-training. He'll still make the trek to Vancouver to spectate which I really appreciate especially as I will be supporting from afar when he is in Florida. Just can't leave the school/training craziness (although I've still found myself checking out the last-minute plane fares wishing I had bought a ticket). His tales of swimming fast will inspire me to train hard that weekend, I hope! Speaking of training, will try to get in a bunch early this week so I can play when Yvonne is here. Cory or Meagan, are you planning to stow away in Yvonne's bags for a quick trip to the west coast? Anyone else on training? And how was Ireland/Italy, noeplz?


At Tue Apr 25, 07:54:00 PM GMT-5, Blogger Nate Reilly said...

I have been foiled by the man. I went in today to respond to your post and it seems that posting to blogs is outlawed. It seems that "personal pages" are a bad thing. I can still read blogs though..

Training is still ok but not great. Got in a 54 mile ride again this past saturday on mountain bike. 27 miles out to the brewery, had a beer and a hot dog, and then road back. Had a good 5 mile run on monday and then swam 1200 yards this morning and then 15 min on stationary bike.

It all seems good but I have not run longer than 6 miles yet and I have my own "moving to a new city baby" which adds about 15 pounds to my midsection. I am travelling a lot in the next 6 weeks so training will be even more strained but I will be as ready as possible.

i need to figure out where I am staying on friday night before eagleman since I am arriving late on friday.

At Wed Apr 26, 10:17:00 AM GMT-5, Blogger no-e-plz said...

Nate, are you traveling en mass?? I can find a place for you to stay if you'd like but I've offered the guest room to Meghan and if there's more than one of you, it might be a tight squeeze in the tiny house...although you all could have my house and I could stay with John....if you need assistance, just let me know!!


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