Its Meghan's Birthday!!
Call her to wish her a happy birthday and safe journey across the country to Seattle. She and her mom left this morning for the drive...hopes to be in WA by Friday!! We expect a detailed account of the trip...
A blog spot to help a select group of crazy cyclist/triathletes from Capitol Hill, DC stay in touch as they move forward in their diverse lives.
Call her to wish her a happy birthday and safe journey across the country to Seattle. She and her mom left this morning for the drive...hopes to be in WA by Friday!! We expect a detailed account of the trip...
Hey all,
Normally, this is where I would post my times, but that won’t be happening here and there’s a story behind why not...
So...... as I have not yet added anything major to this blog craziness, I started to think why we have gotten to the point we needed a blog. one word: Eagleman. Ok so not all of us did it, BUT we really did.
If I wasn't already a complete and total geek, this recent purchase of an iPod (30GB, color, stores photos) pushed me over the edge.... I received it yesterday, plugged it in immediately, listened to the 'sample' which was Beethoven's 9th symphony (only a portion) and it never sounded sooo good. I have now configured my PC, downloaded over 500 songs from my hardrive and photos (you all are in my iPod now...) Whoopie!! now starts the chore of creating my very own CD archive on my iPod...
in a place called Capitol Hill, on a forum for triathletes, there was a lone post
Big Grin Okay, since I suggested this, I'll start the first string. In the past, there's been great interest in locating training partners but its been difficult to sort through the endurance levels, schedules, and intensity of training to find a suitable match.Couple weeks go by....response post (Mar 11, 2004) Meghan
The idea is to briefly state your goals/objectives, your pace in each sport, whether you train in the AM or PM and where you do most of your training (i.e. geographic location).
Here goes:
Goals: 2 Olympic distance tris (Aug and Sept); 2 Sprint distance (June, Aug)
Pace: Run 9-10 min miles, Bike 14-15 mph (road bike), Swim 2.5-3 min/100 yds (yes, that's slow)
I prefer to train in the morning and am in search of running motivation as well as encouragement on the bike. I am work/home located near Cap Hill.
'nuf said. I know a few people at last night's happy hour are in a similar situation and I'm willing to be flexible on location....I normally bike along the Rock Creek loop, W&OD, GW Parkway to Mt. Vernon, and Poolsville.
I just moved to Capitol Hill and have similar training goals (a couple of sprint race in June/July and an Olympic Distance race towards the end of the summer). I was a competitive swimmer in a former life so the swimming won't work out, but I would definitely be interested in talking about running/biking in the mornings and on weekends.
I also live on Capitol Hill and would be interested in meeting up for some training. I am doing a sprint April 24 in NC and then the next would be the Spud in June. I swim at night at the Capitol East Natatorium- even if we swim different paces, we could still come up with a good work-out. I run and bike in the ams. my days are flexible. I would definitely love to have someone to ride with on some long rides on weekends. I am also interested in some new routes. Let me know. Big GrinThen the first guy jumped on...(Apr 1, 2004) bignate
To any of the three of the hill triathletes, I would love to meet some mornings to ride. I am a runner that is planning on some duathlons again this summer and just need to get out there on my bike. Speed is secondary to just getting up and out in the morning. The earlier the better in the morning. Let me know if anyone is interested.
You may or may not notice the addition of "Sheetz" to the links but its there...just above the appropriate.